Mother of Murder Victim Helps Fund Search and Rescue

This is what happened with the Peterson case. The handlers were unable to continue to the search for the rest of Laci Peterson’s remains because they were financially drained. Although Laci was home, some of her was still lost at sea. This leaves the family to have to think of the fact that part of their loved one is still missing and cannot be laid to rest.

Sharon decided that the profit from the book would go to set up a search and rescue fund that helps families of those missing who need search and rescue personnel to come in and help. I thought this was a very good thing to do because often times the families need these services but cannot have them because the searchers cannot come to their area due to lack of funds and the family is unable to pay for the expenses. This is a huge problem that most people are unaware of nor think about until it is happening in their family.
Most people who work to help find the missing who do these thorough searches are people like you and me who work full time jobs and do what is important afterwards. It would be wonderful to be able to look for these people each and every day but who pays our bills and sees that our family is provided for?
If I could have one wish this year, it would be for the government to set in place a special fund and system for each state and others abroad that can click into action within an hour after a person’s family makes that desperate call for help. Possibly hire people who are on call 24 hours a day for when something of this nature arises. They are paid and there is no uncertainty of the job within six months because a grant runs out. It should be permanent and stable. It is just as important as our FEMA or Red Cross in my mind.
We have been able to get the Amber Alert in most states, so why can’t we set aside some special funding for assistance for the missing?
I’ve always thought Sharon Rocha was a wonderful person who has set an example for so many other moms on how to be strong and how to get through something like losing somebody you love. What she’s doing for these people in memory of Laci is something that is not only wonderful, it something that is so beneficial to those of us who want to help these missing people.
I hope you’ve had the chance to see Sharon on the many shows she visited this week discussing the disappearance and murder of Laci. I also highly recommend picking up “For Laci” at your local bookstore. This is probably the best one of the books written about the Peterson case.
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