Our Journey Continues - CUE Center Missing Person Conference 2006

One part that was very touching was Saturday night, when everyone boarded a large school bus and headed down to the Wilmington riverfront for a vigil for the missing. Although it was freezing cold, the feeling in the air was so powerful. A wall was unveiled that included many missing people who had been submitted for this event. Carrie was included.

Sunday included speakers of those who have missing or murdered loved ones. One speaker that really made sense to me was Doug Lyall (father of Suzanne Lyall) who has been missing since 1998. He said that he had to face at times that he may never see Suzanne again nor learn her fate. He said that it's often hard to not become obcessed with our loved ones who have vanished but some how we have to form a sense of normalcy to survive every day life. That made a lot of sense to me.
Although I do not have anyone missing, I see the pain these families are having to endure. I know how bad I want to find out where Carrie's body is so she can be brought back home. What drives us each day is the fact we know we must continue on to help find these people and to comfort others who are going through the same ordeal. As CUE's founder, Monica Caison often says, "Somewhere, there's someone who knows something". That is so very true.

I have to say thank-you to the Klaas Kids Foundation who taught us how to handle abductions in the first few hours, as well as the K9 handler who taught how scent is so very important in a disappearance. There is always something more we as advocates need to learn. There is always room for improvement because nobody is perfect. We all need to work together and overcome the pettyness of who has more equiment or knowledge than you do. We need to come together not for us, but for these who do not have a voice right now and need someone to speak on their behalf. Cue Center's meeting was a very helpful thing for my group and we will attend next year if the conference is held.
(pictured left - Janet Cooke - mother of missing Rachel Cooke, CUE Founder, Monica Caison and Me @ the Vigil)
On another note, this Friday, March 31st beginning @ 9 a.m. we will appear in a Pickens County Courtroom for the formal arraigment hearing for Quinton Ray and his father who are believed responsible for the murder and cover-up of Sueann Ray. This will be the day that Ray enters GUILTY or NOT Guilty and Sueann's family and I have to hear him say what his plea is. We learned that it may be two years before the trial moves forward in Sueann's murder case. We are all waiting and hoping that justice prevails soon for her. It was not her time to go but someone chose to take her away.
Also, I'd like to send my thoughts and prayers to Tim Miller and the crew from Texas Equusearch who are going into a mine shaft this week looking for April Pitzer. This is a very rough area and I hope these guys are safe and successful in this search for April. Miller is one of my favorite people and is a mentor to me. I want his group safe.
Additional Links:
CUE Center for the Missing
More Photos from the Conference
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