Preparing to Say Goodbye to Sueann
We have been working to help get ready for Sueann's upcoming funeral. She still has not been released from GBI in Atlanta. Quinton Ray remains behind bars with no bond for her murder. We still do not feel any relief. The down time when we are not working on something is difficult. Thinking about Sueann and what happened is terrible.
Once everyone arrives in Georgia, we are all going to go to where Sueann rested for five long months. I am dreading this day with all my might because that wave of sickness is going to hit me again just like it did that day we drove down that road where I know she was now. We went by several times but how could we know? I still have not gone to the church yard where Patrice was found. The days we've planned to go, something has come up to change the plans.
Several people have asked me just how far away the location was away from the Ray property. I do not know the exact address or location because I have not been up there yet. We can say - adjoining property. We have talked about moving the cross that was placed at the Wal-mart parking lot to the makeshift burial but I dont know if we will be allowed to do that. This is very hard for me to think about. It's been a struggle for me to even gather Sueann's pictures for her memorial. This is part of the process I must learn to deal with but at times you become so personally involved with these cases, it's just difficult.
One important thing that I need to pass along is that Sueann's dad requests in lieu of flowers for Sueann, to please donate to the fund that has been set up for her daughter Charity. That information is as follows:

Charity Danielle Ray Education Fund
c/o Bank of America
you may donate @ any Bank of America location
We also have the location information for Sueann's funeral but no exact date yet. We had thought about the 22nd of Feb. but due to the fact Quinton has another hearing on that date, we will have to change that time. We cannot but an event this important with his hearing. The church location information is below:
Date pending - GBI release of Sueann Ray
Visitation for Sueann will be held @ the Owens Funeral Home in Cartersville, GA. The funeral will be held @ 1st Baptist Church in Holly Springs.
Please keep Sueann and her family close in your prayers. This is a very difficult time for all of them and those of us who have gotten so close to her family as we searched.
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