Patricia Viola - Missing Today for Five Years

It is known that Patricia had a seizure disorder that requires two types of medication and she did not take those with her on the day of her disappearance. She also did not take her identification or any credit cards either.
Patricia left behind a loving husband and two children. Surely there is someone out there who knows what happened to Patricia.
As part of my entry today for Patricia Viola, I want everyone to know all the hard work her husband Jim has done for others since his wife vanished. He has stepped forward to help work on things to help missing people. I cannot name all the wonderful items he's made for some of my missing ladies. He's always working on something. His attitude is always positive and helpful to others.
There has to be some clear cut answers as to what happened to Patricia on that fateful day. My thoughts are with her family tonight as they have her vigil in Bogota, NJ. If you have some extra time today, please visit Patricia's website created by her huband Jim. Take a look at Patricia's case and forward it to all of your friends and aquaintances. Jim is a dear friend of mine and I want everyone to learn more about Patricia's case. She has to be found soon and brought home.
Pat Viola Missing
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