Sueann's Funeral Postponed

Late last night we all came to the realization that Sueann's funeral could not happen on the scheduled 23rd. Sueann's body has not been released from the GBI crime lab and with the fact her family is requesting a private autopsy, Sueann could not be laid to rest next week.
Today was tough for me because this morning I was scheduled to take this booklet I've worked all week on the family to have it printed. They decided that Sueann's funeral booklet needed special pictures and poems. I was delighted to help create it. Also today around noon, the mailman delivered the poster sized photos Sueann's dad had me order of Sueann. As I was opening the pictures, I felt a wave of sadness come over me. There was sweet Sueann smiling at me, but she was only a picture, not really there. Another person loved by so many, taken away by jealousy and rage.
In some ways I'm glad that Sueann's funeral has been postponed because this will give us more time to make the event even more special and memorable. We are still throwing around the idea of having a gathering after the funeral to celebrate Sueann's life. It will be hard to be happy in the middle of being so sad. If there is one thing I could be grateful for in all of this. It's the fact that God revealed Sueann's location to everyone and she was able to be brought home. There is no more wondering or waiting. Although the truth is painful, she is home.
With God, all things are possible. He brought Sueann and Patrice home. He will bring others home as well.
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