Quinton Ray to Face Death Penalty

As I was attempting to get dressed, I noticed that my cell phone had a message because it was blinking. My cell phone will often times ring up until the wee hours of the morning if I dont put it on silent. Sometimes people forget what time it is ;) Listening to the message, I learned that Jeffrey Ben had been positively identified. All I could think was, thank the Lord Jeffrey has been found and Linda Miller will not lie down another night wondering where her son is. Another person found, another family able to begin healing to some extent.
Aside from the nagging headache, I woke up with this song inside my head all day, especially this morning. I wanted to include some of the lyrics to this song in here because it's very similar to what today ended up being.
Show me what it's like - To be the last one standing - And teach me wrong from right - And I'll show you what I can be - Say it for me - Say it to me - And I'll leave this life behind me- Say it if it's worth saving me
Savin Me
All the Right Reasons 2006
Arriving in the parking lot at the Pickens County court house, we saw all the local news stations and the Ray family standing outside. There was no avoiding them coming in. Sueann's sister, me, Jeannie, and Sueann's dad all locked arms as we walked up the parking lot into the court house. Today I just did not feel like dealing with the camera's in our faces or any of the junk that goes along with these court appearance.

Moments after we were seated, the DA entered the door and shortly thereafter, the clanking of chains began as Quinton made his way into the court room. I felt a cold tear run down my cheek as he took his seat with that ridiculous smirk on his face. That smirk dimmed somewhat, once the DA announced that the State of Georgia would be seeking the death penalty. There seems to be no understanding nor concern on his part for what he's facing or what has happened to Sueann. The arraignment was pushed back yet again for April 12, 2006. This was expected.
After the hearing, we all spoke with the DA and he informed us that this was going to be a very long drawn out process and it could be up to to two years before Quinton will stand trial. He told us there'd be many long days ahead and probably some very hard material for us to see or hear once it's ready to be presented to the jury. I suppose we will find a way to deal with it?
With April 12th upon us, I am not looking forward to that time at all because three days later is that dreadful day that I'll never forget. That being the day Patrice was abducted two years ago. I believe at the end of this month, I am going to pack up my things and head south the Gulf Coast and spend some time alone out on the water with the jet ski. It's time to run it wide open over the water and let a few things out. Sometimes that is what is needed to continue on the long winding road ahead.
I'd like for everyone to know that I have not forgotten all these missing and murdered people. Each one of them is important to me and my family. Sometimes my heart doesnt feel like it can hold any more sadness but I continue on as many others do because we have to take a stand for those who are unable to.
I have never regretted doing this and now it means even more to me than ever. May each family who has somebody they love missing or murdered have peace in their heart somehow tonight and may they find a way to deal with the days ahead. Jeffrey, Carrie, Sueann, Heather, and all the others, you are always in my heart.
Related Information:
Ray Facing Death Penalty