In the last week, the media has splashed the horrific seen of Lance Cpl Maria Lauterbach's body been removed from a shallow grave in what would later be identified as her accused rapist and now accused killer's backyard.
Although, Cpl. Cesar Laurean left behind a note stating that Maria Lauterbach somehow slit her own throat before he burned her body on or about Christmas Eve (December 24, 2007), and then buried it in his backyard along with her unborn fetus. Maria case has two troubling factors and while we are discussing this case on every news network, I will add my two cents worth here on this victim's blog.
The first problem with Maria's case was that when she was first discovered missing, her case was not taken that seriously due to the fact of some ATM withdrawls and other activity that led the North Carolina PD to believe that she possibly left on her own accord. Secondly, Maria's prior rape allegations against Cesar Laurean - who is now a fugitive (I belive I forgot to mention that above) was not known to the NCPD due to the fact this situation was handled by the military police which would also cause another delay. Where did we go wrong? Whose fault is this and could this crime have been prevented? Truthfully, I don't think so, and here's why.
Maria Lauterbach continued to work alongside Cesar Laurean after the rape occurred and probably because she had to. She probably had NO idea what he had in store for her. What I'm saying is that I don't think this situation was taken as serious as it probably was. I'm making this assumption from reports from her family and friends.
The next problem we have is that Cesar Laurean planned to murder Maria from the reports and camera shots of him buying these materials that would be used in disposing of a body. He is now on the run and authorities fear he is already in Mexico. Does this mean once he is captured, he will not be extradicted back to the United States if North Carolina decides to pursue the death penalty - as they should.
His capture could take forever if someone is helping him hide out. I don't think he is in the United States any longer. I believe he planned out Maria's murder and from there, he planned where he'd go after he carried out his crime. This is a pre-meditated murder of a mother-to-be and an unborn fetus. There should be two murder charges filed against Cesar Laurean and once he's captured, he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent.
Why is our statistics showing that women who are pregnant at more risk of being victims of a violent crime than any other time? What does this say about our community? When did it get to be acceptable to hit a woman and furthermore, when did it get to be acceptable to murder a woman and an unborn fetus?
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