Mother's Day Is Not The Same For Everyone

This is a holiday that most people who've never witnessed losing a child or mom cannot understand and probably won't seek you out to discuss. It always happens to somebody else, and not them.
As Mother's Day arrives on Sunday, I can't help but think of all those who aren't celebrating the holiday with joy and happiness. I think of how it doesn't seem right to have a child die before it's parents OR to lose your parent due to a crime.
They say there is no love like a mother's love. I believe that. I know that my mom loves me no matter what. She'd go to the end of earth for me. She sees only the positive and supports all my ideas, no matter how crazy they may be. She drives me up the wall and is my best friend all at the same time. She's no different from any other mom when it comes to family.
While this next statement applies to most moms - I recognize it may not apply to each and every mother in the world.
When Mother's Day arrives I want to say this to all moms and those who have a mom. If you are a missing person, you know that mom loves you, and she won't stop looking until she locates you. Those who have died because of a violent crime. Your mom loves you, and she won't stop until she finds out who is responsible and brings them to justice. And, if you've lost your mom because she's missing or she's been murdered, mom will always love you and she knows the things you're doing to help her.
Remember to always tell mom you love her and that she's cool even if she still tells you "you're not leaving the house without that being ironed". It's Mother's Day and God bless all the moms out there.
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