The Day Lorne Boulet Was Found

Today's call was different, and I could tell something was wrong. It seemed unreal to me when she told me that Lorne had been found. She told me that someone discovered him on Good Friday near Interstate 93, less than 25 minutes from where he was last seen on July 29, 2001. I didn't know what to say to her to help take away the pain she was feeling.
When I first came into the arena of assisting others who are missing, besides Carrie, I didn't know many people and my knowledge was small of the way things work. Some people at the time, I thought were good people but turned out not to be. I felt sad and frustrated. I will always remember how Louise called me on Saturday night and explained to me a few things about the situation and life in general. Just like she did with her nephew Lorne, she took time to understand and help me through my troubles. She never gave up on me, nor did she ever give up on Lorne when he was sick and when he became missing. It was that positive reinforcement that gave me strength to stand and continue helping others. I know that her strength helped Lorne after he became ill. I also feel like that it was meant for me to learn about Lorne, through the only person who could really tell me the real story of his life, Louise.

Lorne's disappearance jolted Lorne's family, and especially his aunt Louise out of their everday normal life into a very unpleasant place. No parent or relative should ever have to go through the personal hell Lorne's family suffered. Suffering her own loss of Lorne being missing, aunt Wease has traveled to several missing person conferences, telling Lorne's story, and circulating others. Never refusing to give up hope that Lorne was out there somewhere and he would return. (pictured left - Louise Holmburg)
I believe that Lorne crossed from earth to heaven where he now smiles down on Louise and although she may not realize it, giving her strength to educate others. Although no words can express the pain and sorrow I feel for Lorne's family, I know that losing Lorne was not in vain. There are many sad hearts out there, who felt better after meeting and speaking with Lorne's family. Although I only knew Lorne through her stories and photographs, he will live on in my heart and memory always.
God was ready to bring Lorne home and that he did.
Related Links:
In Loving Memory of Lorne
I-93 remains identified as Chichester man
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