Lorne Boulet's Family Remembers Patrice Endres

Louise and her family held a special vigil for Patrice tonight out in the freezing cold and snow. Louise has some of the best kids anyway, and their friends seem to be good kids as well. They were all outside lighting candles and then letting the balloons go for Patrice. This really touched my heart, because Louise has stepped forth to do something for Patrice when she has so many other things to attend to, such as finding her nephew Lorne.
We've shared many emails and phone calls talking about the issue of missing people. As stated many times previously, it's a growing epidemic and it must be stopped.
As my family and I head to Forsyth County this Sunday to say goodbye to Patrice, I will think of all the wonderful people who have helped us in our search for her. I will ask that God grant them answers and some sort of closure as what we are partially getting for Patrice, although her murder remains unsolved. It only takes a few minutes to remember these people. That work you do is forever etched into somebody's heart and mind. Louise, I know you are going to read this and I want you to know how much I appreciate you as a friend and what you continue to do for all these people. I thank-you for sharing with me Lorne's story and helping me to understand about the person he is. I will see you this April in New York @ Missing Person's Day. I will talk to you very soon.
See additional photos from this event HERE
This blog entry is dedicated tonight to all missing and murdered people. It's also dedicated to all those people who help search for the lost. Without you, these people would never be found.
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