Innocent In Prison

Earlier this year, DNA proved that Kevin did not murder Riley. FINALLY my theory was proven. Kevin Fox was not the only man wrongly put in jail in the state of Illinois. In 1988, there was the case of Jaclyn Dowaliby, a very high profile case. Jaclyn vanished from her home in the middle of the night. Her body was later found in a wooded area. The Dowaliby parents were charged with her murder but later aquitted of all charges. Her murder, just like Riley Fox's remains unsolved. Jaclyn's case prompted a book and a made for TV movie called "Gone in the Night".
Kevin Fox is now a free man and what was once a plea for help to prove that he was not guilty has now been redone to find out who did this to Riley.

There are so many men in prison who are innocent. There are so many who are right where they need to be. There are so many obvious reasons as to how they landed there. The cases which are NOT legit are usually the ones where nothing positive is being done to help free the inmate. It's always something bashing the victim or some assanine statement such as with the Peterson case.... Scott Peterson only dated Amber Frey four times. Ok, what the hell does that have to do with him murdering Laci? One date, two dates, three, how many would it take? You can usually spot the legit cases and the wishing it weren't true ones.
Lots of people think that our group only supports killing men who commit crimes against women and children, and that's not true. I do believe in the death penalty and those who do not, might change their view on that issue had someone they love be brutally murdered. I do believe in innocence of some of these men behind bars. Maybe they wouldnt, and to each it's own.
I feel for Kevin Fox and Clarence Elkins. You two are no longer having to sleep in that hell hole with those real murderer. I hope that in some fashion, they can have a normal and happy life. As for the others, admit what you did, ask God to forgive you and leave it at that. If you want to get technical, "Vengence is mine, sayeth the Lord".
AETV will be airing the segment regarding the case of Clarence Elkins on several nights in the coming days. Please see the show times below.
What the Girl Saw. Tuesday, December 27 @ 8pm ET/PT AMERICAN JUSTICEĀ® What the Girl Saw. Wednesday, December 28 @ 12am ET/PT AMERICAN JUSTICEĀ® What the Girl Saw. Tuesday, January 3 @ 12pm ET/PT AMERICAN JUSTICEĀ® What the Girl Saw. Tuesday, January 3 @ 6pm ET/PT
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