The Disappearance of Heather Teague
Today our blog takes a look into the disappearance of Heather Teague from

Authorities would begin a focus on a man named Marvin "Marty" Dill who owned the Bronco that was seen in the area the day Heather was taken. Before authorities could close in on Dill to question him about his possible involvement in Heather's abduction, he ended his life with a single gunshot wound to his head. It appeared Heather's case had come to a close with no answers.
Unable to accept the fact that Heather was possibly gone forever, and having no answers, Heather's mother, Sarah Teague began her own search and investigation. Sarah has searched in many places that a mother should never have to look for a child.
In late 2004, a detective in Northern Ohio contacted Sarah and told her that he believes Heather's disappearance was linked to another man, Christopher Below. Below is believed to be a possible serial killer and could have been in the area the day Heather vanished. He is serving time for the disapearance of another women that he admitted to killing.

Within a month, more names were added to the possible list. All of these ladies that authorities are taking a close look into are eerily similar in appearance. All of the ladies are within a 350 mile radius of where Christopher Below drove on his trucking route. Below are two other ladies that authorities are looking at for a possible link to Heather Teague and Kathern Fetzer.

For more information on about her case, visit
The next person that authorities are taking a close look at for a possible link to Christopher Below is Erica Lee Fraysure who vanished on October 1997 night in Southern Kentucky. Her abandoned car was found near some railroad tracks, but no sign of Erica. Erica was only 17 years old

There is yet one more lady that authorities believe Chris Below knows something about. She is not one of the ones I put on the list, but she's been mentioned several times in the articles concerning the missing ladies. Her name is Shaylene Farrell from Piqua, Ohio.

Do all these ladies have something in common with the abduction of Heather Teague? How will these families find out what really happened, and if it was Christopher Below, will he help authorities? So far, he has been uncooperative in this investigation.
In the last year, Sarah Teague gained renewed hope of this case being solved. In a horrible turn of events, on the 10th anniversary of Heather's disappearance, Sarah's neice Sueann Ray would disappear. The family is currently searching for both ladies, and do not believe that their disappearances are related. All of these ladies that were discussed tonight, have families that our group has worked closely with. Sarah Teague is one my dearest friends. She is a strong lady who wants answers for what happened to Heather. Sarah has also talked with Debra Culberson on a few occasions for advice on how she should handle certain issues. Heather vanished on August 26, 1995 and Carrie vanished on August 28, 1996. You learn more about the disappearance of Heather Teague and all the strange events and similarities by visiting her main website www.WhereIsHeatherTeague.Com
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