Kristen Modaferri Case Revisited

At times it's difficult to juggle a real career and find time to do what is most important to us. Dennis has told me time and time again that people either "get it or they dont". I feel like that is so true. We feel like when we take this to the community again, we will have one of two responces from the people. Either way, we have to always invent new ways to bring attention back to these cases that are several years old. Some cases never die from existance, but others fade quickly. This is why I will not mind taking one of my weekends traveling to work on this with Dennis and the Modaferri family. Today my blog revisits the case of Kristen Modaferri. For more information on this case, please visit Dennis' site www.FindKristen.Com -
As always, this blog and all the work that is being done to help those people missing is dedicated and because of Carrie Culberson. Let us not forget her and that she remains missing. I owe everything that I've accomplished and worked on because of Carrie. She was our first case and she's still our main focus. You can view many other missing person cases on Carrie's main website by going to "Others Missing". www.FindCarrieCulberson.Com

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