It is now 30 years later and Kyle remains missing. Nothing would happen with Kyle’s case until late 2005 when an arrest would finally shed some light on the then 29 year mystery.
Police believe that the actual person responsible for Kyle Clinkscales’ disappearance was a man, who is now deceased, by the name of Ray Hyde. Ray Hyde owned a 50-acre salvage yard, and investigators speculate he buried Clinkscales' Pinto there after he murdered him that night Kyle vanished.
Six months after Kyle vanished in 1976, the now believed killer, Ray Hyde was arrested for an unrelated charge of theft. Hyde was a man who trouble always seemed to find him.
Although the actual killer is now dead, there were others involved who knew more about this mystery, and they were going to finally be held accountable for their role.
The person now in custody was part of the disposal of Kyle Clinkscales and authorities believe he has more information on what happened and where Kyle’s body is now located.
A mysterious phone call came into the Clinkscales household in 2005 in which the caller stated they were only seven years old at the time, but they saw their grandfather put the body of Kyle into a barrel and sink it into the bottom of the lake. The caller has had to live with knowing this information and living in fear for 29 years at the time of the event. Something that many of us cannot begin to fathom witnessing as a child.
After the mysterious call, the pond was later drained but Kyle was not there. It did appear that something had been resting their possibly for years, but was later removed. Where could Kyle now be located? Will we ever know?
Kyle’s family is now elderly but have never given up on finding the answers for what happened to Kyle that fateful night. Kyle’s father states that not a day has gone by that he has not gone over that day several times wondering what went wrong.
Authorities have many questions about why these men would want to murder Kyle. Some speculate that Kyle was a bartender who may have heard too much that night. Others think he may have witnessed some type of illegal activity. All the leads throughout the case have always gone back to the same individuals.
Although it has been 30 years today since Kyle vanished, his family remembers that night like it was yesterday. They have been left with 30 years of not knowing. While some of these cases seem on the surface to be ones that’ll never be solved, that is not true.
We never know when God will finally reveal what we are supposed to know about our loved ones and what happened to them. It’s hard to question his timing and reasons. I believe that Kyle will be brought home soon and all the answers his family has been left to ponder in the last 30 years will all be answered.
I will always remember what Kyle’s father said. “I will take this to my grave wondering what happened to my son. I’ll never get over this”. May God bless them as they continue to wait for Kyle to be brought home.
Additonal Links:
Authorities Make Second Arrest In Clinkscales Case
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