Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Someone Knows What Happened to Tara Grinstead

Tara Grinstead vanished from her own home in October of 2005. It appeared as if whoever was responsible was someone she knew personally. It is just all too weird how she left her car unlocked, her house in the manner it was left and did not say goodbye to anyone. In the days following Tara's disappearance, there was a mysterious house fire not too far away from her house. The GBI (Georgia Bureau of Investigation) went out to the scene and looked it over, or did they? In the mid December search led by Texas Equusearch, a few volunteers went to that house and took a look around. It appeared as if there were areas that were not combed for possible clues. For example, the ground inside the house, it was untouched. Nobody thought to look at this for bone fragments or anything that looked suspcious.
Tara was taken by someone she knows. Someone she possibly angered and moved them to do something to her. Christmas just passed and she did not return home, nor call. That is not something she'd do. She's been taken to a place where she is unable to get home.
Late last week, Nancy Grace did an in depth two day broadcast from Ocilla Georgia. She talked with various friends and aquaintances who knew Tara. Some people believe the strange exstudent who believes he had a relationship with Tara could be responsible, I do not.
There are many parts of this case that law enforcement and those working close to the case believe fit the puzzle of this mystery. Things that I cannot post on a live blog. I will say that those who are responsible are close by and have the answers. There is possibly more than one person involved in this mystery.
This weekend as we head back to Ocilla, to join TES for yet another in depth search for Tara, I hope that those who are responsible begin to feel the pressure and make that call. Eventually Tara will be located and those responsible for this will be brought to justice. There are too many people in South Georgia who live and breathe this case day in and day out.
She's out there somewhere and I believe that she may be found this weekend. If not this weekend, another weekend very soon. It's time for our community to take a stand and stop this type of stuff from happening to innocent people. If you have a problem with somebody, you can work it out and not turn violent. If you are able to, come to South GA this weekend and join us for the search for Tara. One weekend is worth it to help a devastated family. If you can't walk very far, work inside the command post. There's something for everyone to do. You are obviously interested in the missing people because you are reading this blog. Step out from behind the computer and make a difference.
Also hats off to Tim Miller and his group Texas Equusearch. They are currently back in Aruba searching for Natalee Holloway. They will be returning to Georgia by Friday afternoon (I hear from sources) to begin set-up for the next search for Tara. Anybody can admire their determination to help get these ladies home.

From Tara Grinstead Website:
Volunteers Needed! - Texas Equusearch 1/21 & 1/22Search efforts will originate from the Tara Center located at the Senior Center on W 4th St in Ocilla. Search teams will gather at 8am each day. Please let us know if you can participate by caling 229-468-0667 or by email at

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