Tonight was the vigil for Sueann Ray who vanished on August 26, 2005. It was a cold day but beautiful outside. We had first feared a winter storm but it passed us. As I headed towards Canton for Sueann, we passed a place I'm all too familiar with. That is the salon where Patrice Endres was abducted on April 15, 2004. I have written a lot about Patrice lately, and those reading this blog are probably growing tired of it, but I can't help it. Patrice's case was one that was very close and important to my family. Patrice was the second case we ever worked on.

On the way tonight, I stopped as I always do and we put some artificial purple roses (in Patrice's color) with a note on the bench outside what used to be her salon. Since we have been working with Sueann's family, I always go by Patrice's salon and leave a rose.
I am hoping that
within a few weeks a memorial can be held for her so that I have a more formal place to visit. GBI tells us that Patrice's cause of death is not going to be released because they are still using it in the investigation into her death.
I still wonder every day who hurt Patrice and why. One part of my heart feels better that Patrice has been found but the other part still aches for why something like this had to happen.

We made our way to Canton where Sueann's dad was waiting. We tagged 20 plus balloons for Sueann. Shortly after we finished tagging the balloons, Sueann's daughter arrived. This was very hard for me to look at because Sueann's daughter understands that her mom is missing but she cannot understand all the grown up terms and conditions. She is only six years old. The crowd began to gather around the cross that was placed just today near the parking space where Sueann's van was found a few days after her disappearance.

I felt a large lump form in the back of my throat as Sueann's daughter walked over to that space. I had to find something to do to take my mind off of it. We were so grateful for all the Atlanta stations showing up tonight. This is what it takes to get the interest level back up for Sueann.
If I could have one holiday wish, I would wish that all these families could have some peace and understanding for what they are having to endure. Especially those who are so small and should not have to witness something like this. You can see more photos from the Night For Sueann by clicking
HEREAdditional Links:
www.FindPatriceEndres.Comwww.FindSueAnn.OrgVigil Planned for Missing MotherThis blog entry is dedicated to Carrie Culberson and all missing and murdered people. I remember and care about all of you.
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